Tuesday, February 21, 2006

February 06 Boys Club meeting minutes

Pardeeville Boys Club Minutes
February 1, 2006

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by President, Russ Knutson. Those in attendance were, Russ Knutson, Charlie Curtis, Chris Johnson, and Julee Dredske.

Old Business:

On January 9, 2006 members of the Boys Club attended the Pardeeville School Board meeting regarding issues with the High School gym floor and the lighting in the gym. The school has started looking into the lighting situation with the manufacture of the lights and nothing new on the floor at this time. Members of the Boys Club are going to continue to pursue these issues. At this time we will not be going back to another school board meeting till we have more information in hand.

2006 Boys Club Basketball Tournament was a great success. Many Thanks go out to all the people that helped make this tournament the great success that it was.

The income from the tournament was $5,398.19; expenses paid out were $1,203.75 leaving a profit of $4,194.44. Julee Dredske stated that there were a couple of unpaid bills yet that will affect the final dollar amount.

We discussed the goods and the bads of the tournament.
Things done well:
Excellent variety of food
Pool Play
Banners by entrances
Very nice medals and trophies
Very nice to have the custodian for clean up
Things done not so well:
Too long of a day
3 timeouts too many – looking at only 2 per half next year
Need someone with keys there to open in the early AM.

Lots of good comments were heard from the other teams and parents attending the tournament. Russ Knutson mentioned that we should try to host the tournament on the same weekend every year that way teams can try and plan ahead to attend.

Thank yous will be sent out by Julee Dredske to those who donated to the Boys Club. Russ Knutson is also going to put a thank you in the paper.

New Business:

The hiring process of the coaches in the school system was brought up by the members. There was discussion on if we wanted to take this issue to the School Board or not. There was also discussion on what the actually procedure is on hiring a coach. After further discussion on the topic we decided to not take this to the School Board at this time but to form a sub-committee to get more information on the whole procedure. Once the sub-committee has a chance to meet they will report back to the Board for further discussion at that time.

Boys Club Basketball Banquet date was set for Tuesday, March 7th. It will take place in the High School Cafeteria. It will be a potluck meal as in the past. More information to come on this, we will be discussing it further at our next meeting. (Banquet was later changed due to a conflict to March 13 @ 6:00 in the HS cafeteria)

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.

The next meeting is set for Tuesday, February 28th at 6:00pm in Phil Kamrath’s room at the High School.

Submitted by: Chris Johnson, Secretary

January 06 Boys Club meeting minutes

Pardeeville Boys Club Minutes
January 4, 2006

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by President, Russ Knutson. Those in attendance were, Russ Knutson, Charlie Curtis, Chris Johnson, Julee Dredske, Chad Hoff, Al Nickel and Noah Schmidt.

Old Business:

Russ stated that the Boys Club has been put on the School Board agenda for the January 9, 2006 meeting. The Boys Club wants to ask question regarding the condition of the High School Gym floor and the lighting in the gym. We are hoping to get answers from the School Board as to when these issues will be resolved. Anyone on the Boys Club board who can make this meeting on Monday night is to meet at 6pm in the High School cafeteria.

New Business:

Boys Club Basketball Tournament was discussed at great lengths. The tournament will be held Saturday, January 28th with the first game starting at 8:00am.

We currently have: eight 4th grade teams, six 5th grade teams and six 6th grade teams.
Russ Knutson is currently setting up the brackets for each grade.
The 4th grade games will be in the Middle School Gym
The 5th grade games will be in the Elementary Gym
The 6th grade games will be in the High School Gym.

Steve Banks is setting up the referees for all the games.
Charlie Curtis has organized the volunteers to work the admission tables.
Charlie has also organized a committee of 6th grade parents to set up the concession stand in the High School cafeteria.
Lorri Knutson has offered to organize and run a concession stand at the Elementary gym.
Julee Dredske has agreed to help with the purchasing of the food needed for the concession stands.
Chad Hoff is in the process of organizing volunteers to work the score tables.
Chad Hoff has also ordered the additional medals needed.
It was agreed upon by the entire board to see if we can’t hire a janitor to help with the clean up after the tournament. Charlie Curtis agreed to check on the availability of a janitor and the cost.

There will be a final meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 6:00pm in Phil Kamrath’s room to tie up any loose ends for the tournament.

Charlie Curtis announced to the Pardeeville Boys Club that he will be stepping down after the Basketball Banquet.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.

The next meeting is set for Wednesday, February 1st at 6:00pm in Phil Kamrath’s room at the High School.

Submitted by:
Chris Johnson, Secretary

Sunday, February 19, 2006

December 05 Boys Club meeting minutes

Pardeeville Boys Club December Minutes

December 7, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President, Russ Knutson. Those in attendance were Charlie Curtis, Chad Hoff, Noah Schmidt and Russ Knutson.

Old Business: Young Bulldogs started and had 40 kids signed up. There was one issue with a 4th grade girl already paid to girls club and the issue was forwarded to Leilani Marcellino, Girls Club President. A suggestion for next year was brought to the table by Chad Hoff to charge Girls club $10.00 per girl and they supply the jersey and waiver form. Chad is ordering 6 larger size shirts for youth Bulldogs. Motion was made by Charlie Curtis to approve Dean Schommer as 7th grade coach for 2005-2006 season and seconded by Russ Knutson and approved unanimously.

New Business: Motion was made by Russ Knutson to order 12 jerseys and shorts for 8th grade basketball this year due to increased numbers. Seconded by Chad Hoff and approved unanimously.

Julee Dredske provided an income statement from football season and with the $1400.00 from the school, the Boys Club was $1,076.00 in the black.

The basketball tournament updates for teams entered included:
Five 4th grade teams, three 5th grade teams and four 6th grade teams.
Job duties are as follows: Referees: Russ Knutson/Steve Banks.
Concessions: 6th grade parents. Scorekeepers/admissions: Chad Hoff/Charlie Curtis.
Start time will be 8:00 a.m. for the first game with championship games at 6:00 p.m. Chad Hoff will be ordering additional medals.

All four members discussed getting on a school board agenda to bring up several issues pertaining to the hiring process for coaches for basketball which does not have an established program with a permanent coach. Other issues are the condition of the high school gym floor, lighting, and an access card to the high/middle school.

September 05 Boys Club meeting minutes

Pardeeville Boys Club Minutes, September 7, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by President, Russ Knutson. Those in attendance were Russ Knutson, Charlie Curtis, Noah Schmidt, Al Nickel, and Julee Dredske.

New Business:
It was decided we would have a concessions stand at the October 15 football games. More discussion at the October monthly meeting.

Russ K will verify with Mike Haynes on Youth Football Night for Thursday, October 20.

Charlie C wanted an explanation for 14 youth football helmets that were painted for middle school football and Russ K explained that they are being sold to school along with other equipment. Chad and Russ to follow up.

$500.00 was paid to the support foundation for the annual payment, we have three payments remaining on the pledge.

League fees are being sent out to Rick Schulz at a cost of $40.00 per team and a $50.00 penalty for not having a volunteer at League Weigh-ins.

Discussion of officials fees for this year will stay the same as last year; $35.00 for head official and $30 for others.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m

The next meeting is set for Wednesday, October 5 at 6:00 p.m. in Phil Kamrath’s room at the high school

Submitted by,
Russ Knutson, President